Playing Catch-up

Whether blogging or schoolwork, that’s been the story of my life for the past month or two. So where shall I start?

In January, my family got a puppy. We named her Eponine as a tribute to our favorite character from Les MiserablesDSCN3751IMG_0201

Eponine recently after we got her, and then at the beginning of May.

My archery team had their State Tournament in March and their National Tournament in May. The high school team got third place in the state, but we were still a wild card team.

May is always a super busy month for my family. Two of my siblings share a birthday three years apart – they both got a party this year. One was a tenth party with boys from our church and their families, the other a thirteenth sleepover with  teenage girls.

The first weekend in June, my choir was invited to sing during the intermission of a dance recital at the Springer Opera House. As if singing at the oldest theater in the state wasn’t scary enough, I was accompanying the choir for two songs. And our two guys who can sing bass had other plans. We did well, considering the fact that my sister and I had taken the ACT test that morning.

Two days later, a group of friends and I left for GBC’s music camp. It was a blast – I absolutely loved the choral clinician. I made performing handbells…super exciting! Now I want to go to Berry College…

Speaking of college, I applied to a nearby community college for duel enrollment classes!

Then I helped with cosumes at a summer drama camp. That involved running up and down three flights of stairs, plucking children from classes to fit their costumes, and countless trips to Hobby Lobby for supplies.

The next week, I helped with my piano teacher’s music camp. I got to teach the general music class (basically anything that remotely has to do with music), which is fun because we make food that goes with the day’s Bible story.

Independence Day was awesome, as always. We didn’t do fireworks this year, but we got to go see Opelika’s public fireworks. My cousin has a Snapchat account, so we posted a bunch of videos with “La Vie en Rose” playing in the background.

This has been my life lately. Voila. I registered for dual enrollment classes! I’ll probably do a whole separate post on that…

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Hey! I'm a 17 year-old homeschooler who loves literature and music. I enjoy writing historical fiction and fantasy. I consider myself a music snob and grammar Nazi. :) When I'm working, I normally listen to the LOTR or Hobbit soundtracks. I love to dress up in medieval clothes and speak with a European accent. Hope you enjoy this blog!

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